Republican stock exchange
Uzbek currency exchange
Uzbek commodity exchange
Single portal of corporate information
Representatives of the National Association of Investment Institutions (NAII) actively participated …
“Satori Capital” has become a full member of the National Association of Investment Institutions (NA…
The III Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic “Priority directions, current tr…
Hooking Uzbekistan to the international financial system that allows foreign investors to buy Uzbek …
On September 7, 2023, the V international conference “Capital Market of the Republic of Uzbekistan” …
Центральный банк Республики Узбекистан
Антимонопольный комитет Республики Узбекистан
Агентство по управлению государственными активами Республики Узбекистан
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Информационно-Ресурсный Центр Фондового Рынка